Naked is as naKed does

To Walk The Walk

Once upon a time, in a town far far away from where I am today, there was a radio DJ who made an on-air bet about how many games his favorite team would win that year. He promised that if he lost the bet, he would walk naked through the center of town. And when he lost, he lived up to his word. He got a dog. He named it Naked, and he took it for a walk through town; thus, indeed, he was walking Naked.

His was an act of simple trickery.

Twenty200 is my website.
I created the design.
I wrote the code.
I want there to be no trickery here.

This website is my attempt at creating digital nudity. By implementing as little design as possible, I want there to be nothing to shape your opinion of the content other than the quality of content itself.

Walk nude, and people won't need to undress you with their eyes.
- Anonymous

...With that in mind...
Welcome to my little corner of the web.
Thanks for dropping by.